Extreme Windlasten

Extreme Windlasten

Das Eret Schnelllauftor AluLine ASE-S/120 hat in der Größe von 5 x 5 m soeben den Winddruck Test mit dem Maximalwert „Windklasse 5“ bestanden. Damit ist das Schnelllauftor für Windstärken oberhalb Windstärke 12 (Orkan) getestet und zugelassen. In der...

Heavy Duty High-Speed-Door in Steal manufacturing

This is the door for real heavy duty application: ERET-Highspeeddoor ASE-S/120, designed for high windload, high frequency and large sizes. The door on the photo was installed in October 2013. It opens with an average speed of 1,0 m/sek (max speed 1,4 m/sek) and has a...

Safety on high speed doors

ERET High Speed doors type ASE and PSE have an option of a safety yellow bottom bar without extra costs. Its a standard feature on non powder coated high speed doors. According the experiences, aluminum high speed doors have much less damages due to a crash than...
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